Friday, July 17, 2009

A 2nd Poem for "New" GM

Good GM or Bad BM - Old GM or "New"?
Will GM change it's logo to green or leave it blue?
Can the Company change it's culture or a leopard change it's spots?
Will we insist upon success before rewarding those on top?

Our products have become passe', we follow, rarely lead.
GM builds megatons of cars the public does not need.
It would be nice if GM design put customers needs first
maybe a little less horsepower and some place to put her purse.

A working man might need a van, not just a box on wheels
a vehicle that meets his many needs, including style and "feel"
Not everyone drives Nascar or has fifty thou to spend
on leather and Bose, and chrome for show and other senseless trim.

Must top execs still draw more pay than a thousand working men?
Will labor continue to sacrifice while management rakes it in?
Will GM close more U.S. plants, harming workers and our towns
and move it all to China just to keep their own costs down?
Has GM lost it's loyalty, it's vision and market share,
only to see their precious profits vanish in thin air?

"New GM" can change it's logo, slogans and ad campaigns
close more plants, cheat new investors, make workers take the blame,
get "Lean & Mean", and talk all "Green", and bonus themselves insane,
but don't expect too much success, if Management doesn't change.

And if top brass must take first dibs and workers get the dregs,
and GM pays it's vendors late, breaks contracts, and reneges,
on warranties, and profit share, retirees and their health care,
leaving customers, investors, and car dealers in despair,
and quarterly earnings and bottom lines are all we ever hear,
then "New GM" will fail again and nobody will care.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

A Poem for "New" GM

A Poem for the "New" General Motors

Thanks, General Motors, You've done it again ...
Closed down our factory and harmed all my friends
Ruined our economy, and wrecked our fair town
Bonused yourselves and let everyone down

You've come out of bankruptcy, all shiny and "New"
and got rid of the workers who know what to do,
swindled the bondholders, and stockholders too
and thousands of dealers who sold cars for you

and stiffed your suppliers, reneged on your debts
then begged Uncle Sam to cover your bets
on your Hummers, and Saturns, and Pontiac Azteks
and your golden parachutes & your corporate jets

You've blamed your bankruptcy on GM the OLD.
Brand names you swallowed up, gutted then sold
Dealers and workers and investors betrayed
and ruined for the lousy decisions you've made

So now you're the Good Guys, The "New GM"
The same old management, Greedy as Sin
Ungrateful and selfish you saved your own skin,
and expect us buy your products again?

Rick Wagoner, Ed Whitacre, Fritz Hendersen, Bob Lutz
go bonus yourselves the way you bone us.

from a Tool & Die Maker, and crane driver too
a CAD/CAM programmer and a skilled tradesman who
Has worked 30 years carrying out the commands
of men who couldn't shove their finger in their ass with 9 hands